Don't ask me any questions, I guarantee I don't have the answer...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Drivers Beware...I Am Out There

(Pictured: Random Canadian dudes I saw while driving.)
I have nearly a 30 minute commute to work...not so bad; it provides me with plenty of time to get a lot of singing practice in. It is crucial I prepare during the week just in case I come across a decent karaoke bar. But, I have to admit I have a major case of road rage - seriously, if you see some crazy girl hollering at you, flipping the bird it just might be me. And to apologize just in case it was you I was calling a bleeping idiot - truly, I am sorry. It is nothing personal. I just don't like people who get in my way or drive really slow.

So, here it comes. DUM, dum, dum...list time!

My top driving annoyances:

1.) Two words: STOP SIGNS!!! Is it just me or do drivers begin to break down at stop signs...they like freak out.

Who goes? who waits? It all seems confusing! One guy will inch forward like he is about to go. You wait patiently giving him the right-of-way. Then he stops, and waves you to go. Gee golly george, make a decision and stick with it buddy!

2.) Tailgaters: I have been rear-ended twice because of these bleeping dumasses (and yes, I meant to write dumass).For the record: Riding someone's booty is not going to make them go faster. Especially, if there is a car in front of them. DUH!

3.) Big Rig Trucks: I mean who really likes them on the road? They drive slow, and always seem to bombard the road when I am running late for work.

4.) Weaver in and outers: You know those drivers who weave around lanes left and right? The funny thing is they will pass you up and later on the road you caught up with them. Kind of defeated the point of all that ruckus they were causing the first place.

5.) Dangerous jaywalkers: Okay, I am all for giving pedestrians the right-of-way, but if they are randomly running into traffic - they are stepping into war zone; let the best man win! (They have cross walks for a reason)

6.) Police Officers: I am usually good about abiding by driving rules, and the two speeding tickets on my belt have toned down my speedy racer tendencies, but I always get nervous when I see a cop. I suddenly pay extra attention to every maneuver I make. The funny thing is I am never doing anything wrong in the first place, but they scare me coming out of no where like they do.

7.) Break huggers: People who step on their breaks constantly when in traffic; especially, those who do it at the last minute....annoying!

Anyway, those are just a few of my driving annoyances. To those of you who don't do any of the above - HIGH FIVE. You are saved from a "friendly" wave in traffic from "The Bear."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Glistening Memories of the Garage...

So, have not written on my blog in awhile- truthfully I don't even know if anyone reads it. But, it does not mean I have not been writing. I have been trying to put a story together; not sure why or what I will do with it, but hey, it isn't the silliest thing I have done. Not as bad as the time my friend, Kitten and I decided it was a good idea to dance and play in the rain, and then later sit in the bathtub and drink hot chocolate with vodka. I know random, but those exact moments are exactly what I have been writing about - random, stupid moments that will never leave my memory.

A lot of my best times happened in the garage where the Kitten and I had our own sanctuary to just be random and frankly, just laugh. We had it all set up like a second living room. It was great...So, I came up with the best description of it:

"The garage…no one would understand it if I told them all about it. But, at one in my life it was my haven. A place where I would not care what others thought. So many secrets feasted in the garage. A huge plate of tears, laughter, anger, and pure fun. The memories that lurked in the smoke of those four walls will last a lifetime. The bottles that used to creep in the corners, and the futon that had the dust of many strangers - made the garage a crucial aspect in my quest to grow up and find myself. So many stories were told, so many drinks were drunk, and the beginnings of many friendships made its mark in that room. It was an imperfect scene; the door never closed or locked, the table was older than we were, and the carpets were masked with stains that we were unsure of how they got there. I will never forget the garage, even as I find a more calm and collected life - less drinks, less cigarettes, and definitely less Del Taco runs - I want to keep those flashbacks close to my heart in the nearest pocket possible."

Just felt like sharing, don't just you love memories like that?

"Cigarettes, Alcohol, and the Garage"

Roaming with a Madeleine display,
Drenching through my fingers,
Memories that danced along my legs,
Exploited - a bottle of “raz-ma-taz.”
Singing a song that stirs within my veins,
Bleeding with sweet regret -
And although, it cannot be taken for present,
I want it all back,
This time in which we lived -
A glistening memory,
That will last forever.